Sustainable Fashion: Live Your Values

"Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. You can be that great generation."

― Nelson Mandela

At this point, each one of us in our green heart-er community should put our foot forward and do the maximum we can to protect future generations and mother nature. Carbon dioxide is at its highest in 3 million years and there are no signs of slowing down the rise of greenhouse gas levels. Scientists are worried because however we limit emissions in the future, carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for centuries, sentencing our future generations to survive on a planet that is hotter, has higher sea levels, and more extreme weather.

Practitioners of sustainable living often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering their methods of transportation, energy consumption, and diet. There are many simple and effective everyday measures that you can adopt for a more conscious lifestyle.

In our green journal, we always like to share easy to implement green tips with you and here, we seek to show you how you can live your values through fashion. Shopping for beautiful, eco-friendly, and ethically-made clothing is an integral part of any sustainable wardrobe. With more and more designers embracing ethical and environmental considerations as key elements, sustainable shopping is becoming easier for eco-conscious consumers.


Here are 5 ways you can properly commit to sustainable fashion:

1. Less is more

As a global population, we already consume much more than the earth can sustainably support, and while our wardrobes are only a small part of this picture, it plays a significant role. It is estimated that clothing accounts for 3.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In order to live mindfully, we need to move beyond our desire for consumption, and see shopping as a functional activity rather than leisure.

2. Choose quality over quantity

Fast fashion tosses low quality and poorly made clothes that are designed to be discarded in short periods leading to the alarming consumer buying cycle. The average party top is worn 1.7 times before being discarded. If your wardrobe is going to be sustainable, you must choose to invest in quality pieces, choose comfort, sophistication, and eco-friendly outfits that are good for you, your skin and the environment.

Seen here is our Easy Breezy dress (classic Flow edition) from our recent winter edit.

3. Buy organic natural fibers

It is estimated that around 16% of all insecticides and 25% of pesticides globally are used in conventional cotton farming, and cotton produced contributes to 3.5kg of carbon dioxide emissions. The alternative to using cotton and synthetic fibers are organic natural fibers, like organic cotton, recycled fabric, handwoven fabrics etc. These fabrics are certified and are of high-quality standards, which are good for the environment and have been produced keeping nature as the priority. If you have been following our journal, you would have read some interesting details about our own fabrics we use for our pieces, their benefits and where we source them from.

4. Choose fairtrade or ethically made

Demand quality, not just in the product you buy, but also in the life of the person who made it. Conventional fashion has a high social cost, these include chemical exposure that badly affects health conditions, workplace injuries, and permanent disablement due to poor safety protections, the use of child labor, and excessive working hours. Fairtrade certified clothing is, instead, produced in conditions that ensure workers are operating in environments and work conditions that are safe work conditions, as well as being reasonably paid for all they do.

Seen here is Hanif, from our own Threadspeller team who creates every single Sui piece with dedication and skill.

5. Promote natural dyes

Herbal dyes are almost solely plant-based, using components such as flowers, roots, leaves, seeds and so on. Parts of the plant are used in the dyeing process, which is considered 'waste' or are growing wild and organic in nature and have medicinal properties, such as the peels from a pomegranate, onions, and myrobalan. Choosing fibers that are already pigmented is another option that eliminates the need for dying at all. It is possible to buy organic wool, cotton, and silks that naturally come in a selection of colors and look beautiful in their authenticity. Natural dyes are also a good DIY project to try out at home, so give it a go for a revitalized wardrobe.


Live your values and make a conscious effort in everything you do, to ensure minimal harm is done to the environment. Little by little, we can make a difference and every time you make a purchase, you make a contribution towards the kind of world you want to live in. Sustainability is not a trend, it is a lifestyle, one that has the power to change and restore things.


Check out the rest of our Green Journal for more stories, interviews, tips and more, all to share our experiences and guide you on your own sustainable journey. And to keep updated on new posts and our own launches and initiatives, sign up to our mailers down below.

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