If you’re wondering why we named our website and Instagram handles “We are SUI” it’s because we believe that no one person is responsible for the impact and growth of our brand – it’s all of us, from our teams to you, our community, and
We are SUI.
Our Core Team
The green hearts who design and ultimately bring our pieces to you.

Head Designer & Production Manager
Operations Manager
Textile Designer
Content Marketing Executive
Creative Lead
Design Intern
Fabric Manager
Our Threadspellers
The green hearts who have a hand in crafting every single one of our garments.

Our Community
All of you! Our mentors, conscious minds, and, just simply, supporters who love our craft and resonate with our story.

Mary wearing our Changing Seasons Dress

Aarika wearing our Sunny Palms Top & Shorts

Hershmeet wearing The Meadow Dress

Anqi wearing our Green Sea Dress

Radhika wearing our Bougainvillea Bloom Dress

Qiyun wearing our Leafy Beginnings Waistcoat & Trousers

Karuna wearing our Dreaming of Dahlias Kurta & Trousers

Monica wearing The Fera Dress

Maria wearing our Endless Fields Dress

Rebecca wearing our Sea Garden Dress

Anya wearing The Coral Top & The Island Trousers